I'm not going to go on a long diatribe about the genius of James Cameron or the visually stunning effects in the film Avatar, but I will, however, give credit where credit is due. I finally broke down and attended a viewing of Avatar: IMAX 3D at my local movie house. Going into it, I was a skeptic. I figured this was a film that has been caught up in the Hollywood buzz machine and everyone was drinking the Kool-Aid. I was actually surprised that not only did I not hate the film, but that I was completely engulfed in the visual aspects of Pandora and beyond. The story was not the most creative (think Dances With Wolves on a different planet), but visually, it was stunning. I enjoyed the film immensely, even though I really can't stand James Cameron. He has made some shit movies. Titanic was horrible. I only saw it in the theater twice because I was in love with this girl Megan. I went twice to see that shit movie. It's embarrassing to even say that. But Megan was beautiful, and I would have done anything for/with her. Let's look at a few others. Terminator I and II. OK, OK. Those were amazing. Alien. Shit, that was a good one too. Alright. Maybe it's just that stupid boat movie, but still... If you are one of the ten people in the world to have not seen Avatar, I urge you to see it in 3D. It is breathtaking and awe-inspiring. Well done, Cameron. Well done.
I totally got the Dances with Wolves vibe too... great movie =)