Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Late Night Controversy

Having been an avid "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" I was stoked when NBC announced he would be taking over the "Tonight Show" for the unfunny Jay Leno. Let's face the facts: Jay Leno is not funny, at all. If he was, his show at 10 pm would be marginally successful. He is a corporate lackey that would do anything the NBC heads say. He is a soulless shill and he lacks originality. Don't his "bits" and "jokes" sound oddly like others I have heard before (**cough**cough** Howard Stern**cough**cough**). His total disrespect to his followers and fans shows that he is just an empty and vapid shell of an entertainer. He is a recycling center for jokes. The worst part is, he doesn't give ANYONE credit for creating the bits, that, by the way, are completely watered down and unfunny.

Conan is an original talent that has been a successful WRITER of jokes on shows such as "Saturday Night Live" and "The Simpsons"... ever heard of them? Yeah, me too. His show is fresh, funny and new. His jokes are ones that sneak up on you. Ones that may leave you thinking for a few moments and then BOOM- I get it!

NBC's move to drop all primetime dramas to put an hour long "comedy" show put actual GOOD shows off the air. "Southland" may have been one of the best dramas I have ever seen (of course, my dad was an LAPD police officer for 20 years, so I may be a little biased). Luckily, TNT has recognized the fact that it was critically acclaimed and had a rising fan base, so they picked it up. I look forward to it starting back up on January 12 at 10 pm, as I have already updated my Tivo for it's season pass.

Here's my opinion on what to do for NBC: Let Jay go already. I know that getting your dicks sucked and your asses kissed is all nice and everything, but get over it. That's what you have your personal assistants for. Conan has not even been given a fair shake. It takes time to build up solid numbers. You can't make a decision like this after seven months. Maybe Conan is right- Maybe you guys hired Gary Busey as the new head of programming. Here is a link to the official statement made by Conan O'Brien:


Please support Conan. If Jay wins, we all lose. Trust me. I've seen 5 minutes of his show.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more!!! Conan is amazing and I LOVE Southland! Thank goodness for TNT!
