Monday, November 29, 2010
"Planet Earth"
Sunday, November 28, 2010
In The Studio...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Making Amends...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Rediscovering A Passion

Given my last few weeks, I have needed something to take my mind off things. Thanks to my ex-brother-in-law, Alex, I have rediscovered a passion that has been out of my life in over 11 years: art. I used to love to sketch/draw/paint/sculpt... Life had just taken me away from that. I always missed it, but never found time to do it. I was too busy being an adult. However, forgetting that if you don't mix in some small passions, life is going to be boring and no good.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Desert Weekend... An Escape?
I need to get out of here. I need to get away from shit. I need to lose myself and try to put the past behind me. The hardest thing for me is coming home to an empty house. No dogs, no "girlfriend" or "girl I'm seeing" or whatever. It's not that I depend on people for my happiness, but I actually enjoy being in the presence of a person or small group of friends. Given the week or so I've had, coming home to an empty apartment hurts. I tend to dwell on my thoughts. "What could I have done differently?" and "how could you let her walk out of your life?" are a couple of thoughts that burn in my mind over and over again.
"C'etait Toi" by Billy Joel
With my brandy eyes
I'm talking to myself
You were the one
You were the one
Here I go again
Looking for your face
And I realize
That I should look for someone else
But you were the one
You were the one
I'm looking for comfort
That I can take
From someone else
But after all
I know there is no one
That can save me from myself
You were the only one
Me revoici
Dans ce bar enfume
Avec mes yeux iures
Je me parle a moi meme
C'etait toi
C'etait toi
Me revoici
Cherchant ton visage
Et je realise
Que je devrais en chercher une autre
C'etait toi
You were the one
Je recherche l'affection
Qu'une autre pourrait me donner
Mais apres tout
Je sais qu'il n'y a personne
Personne qui puisse me sauver
Tu etais la seule
I'm looking for comfort
That I can take
From someone else
But after all
I know there is no one
That can save me, save me from myself
You were the only one"
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Reconnecting With My Little "Brother"
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Too Drunk And Still Drinking...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Embarrassing, But I'm Just Going To Put It Out There...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Moving On...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I Felt Like Writing A Poem Or Two...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Roller Coaster That Is My Life
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Another Saturday Night...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Things To Do Whilst Drunk: Rock Golfing At Night
Rock Golf At Night from Matthew Mestas on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Few Random Thoughts...
Why do people wear sunglasses at night? On the same note, the guys who wear sunglasses indoors...what the fuck is that about? God, that bugs the shit out of me. It doesn't make you look cooler by rockin' the shades inside. Go kill yourself.
People have seriously shitty taste in music. How can shit be marketed and sold as "music" when it contains no artistic merit. What happened to artistic integrity? Pride in workmanship? Singer-songwriters? God, what has the music industry come to? Holy shit! Fuck American Idol and all the fascist-bourgeoisie shit they have pumped down our pie holes, while claiming it is "music." FUCK THAT.
Anger is nothing more than happiness in excess. That's my excuse. What's yours?
Republicans have ruined this country. Don't start cheering, Democrats. You have won by default. The religous-right have gone too far trying to push their ghost stories on the American public. We, as a nation, should be up in arms.
When is our protest? The Youth of America have become completely lazy. Iraq is our Vietnam. We should be taking it to the streets. Why aren't artists like the Nightwatchman and Rage Against The Machine being played on radio and MTV. Youth is bowing to the old bastards supposedly running the country. When is our revolution? Time to put our fists in the air.
The voter turn out, as far as my demographic is concerned, is dismal at best. The reason shit is so bad is because the 18-30 year olds aren't hitting the poles. Unfortunately, I can't complain too much, as I don't hit the poles either.
Smoking makes you look cool. Smoking weed makes you look like a badass. Smoking crack makes you look like a ghetto douche bag. Too bad all of that kills you.
"All's fair in love and war." In love at least you get sexual release. What does war give us? A bunch of innocent kids coming home in body bags and/or missing limbs. Sure sounds fair to me.
Laughter is the best medicine, unless you have cancer.
I love this line from Sean Routh: "The doctor said 'You're not dying from this disease. You're LIVING with this disease... until it kills you.' "
Sex is over-rated. People that say this are either married or spend way too much time masturbating.
Why do people choose to live in tornado country? They call it that for a reason. Would you live there by choice? Is the housing really THAT much cheaper?
America- Land of Dreams. Where qualifying to buy a house is easier than trying to buy a car.
Dance like no one is watching. Masturbate like somebody is.
My Living Will
A Living Will For Matthew N. Mestas, I.
I, Matthew N. Mestas, being of sound mind, do hereby bequeath the following to My Best Friends: You Know Who You Are:
1. My Credit Card Debt
2. My nappy old futon thoroughly marinated in decades-old mysterious bodily fluids
3. My children (legitimate or otherwise)
4. Any residual angst from my corporeal existence
5. Full rights to the movie of my life, tentatively titled The Little Vegetable Who Could
6. All the bong and bowl resin you can scrape
7. My collection of Wizard of Oz commemorative plates
In the likely event that I am rendered incapacitated due to brain weevils or late-night drunken skateboarding stunts, the above signed has the right to make decisions concerning my quality of life, and must:
1. Ensure I am cared for by smokin'-hot nurses
2. Hook me up to a whiskey IV
3. Pour out a little for me, your undersigned homey
4. Molest my genitals mercilessly
5. Spoon-feed me pudding
6. Use my death to create an obnoxious media circus and/or political wedge issue
7. Pull the plug if I'm out for more than 15 minutes
The executor also has the following responsibilities upon my expiration:
1. Avenge all slights against my honor...with a katana sword
2. Build a massive pyramid of pizza boxes and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans for my glory
3. Provide Jell-O shots at my wake
4. Light me on fire atop the hood of a blessed Camero and drive my bitchin' corpse-torch through the streets for one last rockathon
5. Distribute air horns at my funeral, discharging them whenever anyone cries
6. Nail any hot, grieving chicks who would inexplicably be in attendance*
*But totally NOT hot-corkscrew my girlfriend/wife/mistress/mother/sister
The party of the second part will adhere to these explicit wishes, in perpetuity, heretofore, ipso facto, e pluribus unum, or forever shut the fuck up.
(Please note this is from the June 2005 issue of Maxim)