Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Roller Coaster That Is My Life

Its nights like these that I realize what I have and what I don't; what makes me happy and what doesn't. I realize how miserable I was when I was the old version of me. The married version of me that hated the way I was treated. I hated the condescending tone my ex would take, talking to me like I was a dumb ass. Tonight I had a brief text-conversation with my ex, just to find out that not only has she been withholding mail from me, but also opening it, reading it, then throwing it away. Thanks to this, she has fucked me up. Granted, I should have done the responsible thing and taken care of my tickets but, without the warnings that had come in the mail, they weren't in the forefront of my mind. Now, apparently, my license has been suspended. Awesome. Just when shit was picking up for me, life takes a dump on my head. Now Im starting to stress. I need to take care of this shit ASAP! On a positive note, I had dinner with someone that, hands down, is the hottest woman I have ever dated/hung out with. Score a point for me! At least I have that.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Take a deeeeeeep breath and KEEPING MOVING FORWARD :)
