Thursday, December 30, 2010
Alcohol Did It...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mestismo At Its Infant Stages...
Gabriel Dancing from Matthew Mestas on Vimeo.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
My New Year's Resolution
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Look Back On 2010
- Lost 70 lbs.- I am shocked that I had 70 pounds to lose, but after looking at pics from last year, it's obvious that I needed to do something about it.
- New Job- Although I don't like it that much and I am looking for something better, I am glad to be working at a steady job after such a long time without one.
- Paid Off My Truck- Amazing to free up some much needed cash.
- Making New Friends- This one is huge for a few reasons. I have been sort of a hermit for a long time. I don't make "friends" easily. Now that I am single, I have realized how important friends are. New or old, nothing beats a good friend. I love the fact that I have people in my life that mean a lot to me. My old friends have never once turned their backs on me. That is something I will never be able to thank them for. My new friends like Laurren, Ian and Charity have each had a major effects on my life this year. Some more than others. Many co-workers have also made this transitional year an easier one.
- My Wife- Obviously, this is the major reason as to why my life has been dramatically different than any other year for me. No matter what, I will always love her. She was my best friend and I am glad that we can still talk to each other. We are working on being friends, which is weird with someone who I spent over 11 years with. I'm glad she found someone that makes her happy and I wish nothing but that for her.
- My House- I used to love going "home." Without that, I was lost. I am adjusting well, but I still find myself occasionally reminiscing about going back home. Not gonna happen, though! Trust me!
- Laurren- She was the first girl I dated seriously after the end of my marriage. Although it didn't work out, I did learn a lot about myself and what makes ME happy. I owe her a lot for helping me through a really difficult time in my life. We have since been able to be friends again, so it's not a total loss, although she's back with her ex... Hahaha...
- Charity- This is the one that really stings. She is an amazing woman and I found myself falling so hard for her. I really can't place WHY I did except that she is everything I wanted. Everything about her is what I was looking for and I wasn't looking for anything or anyone. To be honest, I hold her in such high regard that she may have ruined it for any other girl to follow. I know that's giving her a lot of credit, but hey, I'm being honest. She is an incredible woman and an incredible friend. Being able to be myself around someone is something I have not experienced before. I have so much to thank her for. She really helped mold me into the person that I have become since my divorce. I hope we can become friends again. I wish I could say that it is what I miss most about her, but the thing that I do miss most is her. Plain and simple.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Letting Go
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Being In A Slump...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
She's Back!!!
My bulldog was found! Thanks to the flyers (almost 200 of them!) that my ex-wife and I put up, the people who found her were able to get in contact with us! Phew!!! When I got the phone call on Friday night (about 36 hours after she went missing) I was so relieved! I didn't even know what to say! I am so glad that my little baby is back!!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dealing With Loss...
I don't know if someone upstairs is enjoying putting me through this kind of stuff, but this year has been riddled with loss for me. I have lost so much in the last year or so, I figured it was over. I guessed wrong. My bulldog, Gracie, ran away from my ex-wife's house today. She is my baby. I can't believe that I am now dealing with this. I pray to God she comes back home. My heart is aching to think my little angel is alone out in the scary world without anything or anyone. It scares me that something may have happened to her. I feel so helpless. I don't know what to do... This is one of the worst days on record for me...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sad After My Dream Last Night...
Monday, November 29, 2010
"Planet Earth"
Sunday, November 28, 2010
In The Studio...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Making Amends...
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Rediscovering A Passion

Given my last few weeks, I have needed something to take my mind off things. Thanks to my ex-brother-in-law, Alex, I have rediscovered a passion that has been out of my life in over 11 years: art. I used to love to sketch/draw/paint/sculpt... Life had just taken me away from that. I always missed it, but never found time to do it. I was too busy being an adult. However, forgetting that if you don't mix in some small passions, life is going to be boring and no good.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Desert Weekend... An Escape?
I need to get out of here. I need to get away from shit. I need to lose myself and try to put the past behind me. The hardest thing for me is coming home to an empty house. No dogs, no "girlfriend" or "girl I'm seeing" or whatever. It's not that I depend on people for my happiness, but I actually enjoy being in the presence of a person or small group of friends. Given the week or so I've had, coming home to an empty apartment hurts. I tend to dwell on my thoughts. "What could I have done differently?" and "how could you let her walk out of your life?" are a couple of thoughts that burn in my mind over and over again.
"C'etait Toi" by Billy Joel
With my brandy eyes
I'm talking to myself
You were the one
You were the one
Here I go again
Looking for your face
And I realize
That I should look for someone else
But you were the one
You were the one
I'm looking for comfort
That I can take
From someone else
But after all
I know there is no one
That can save me from myself
You were the only one
Me revoici
Dans ce bar enfume
Avec mes yeux iures
Je me parle a moi meme
C'etait toi
C'etait toi
Me revoici
Cherchant ton visage
Et je realise
Que je devrais en chercher une autre
C'etait toi
You were the one
Je recherche l'affection
Qu'une autre pourrait me donner
Mais apres tout
Je sais qu'il n'y a personne
Personne qui puisse me sauver
Tu etais la seule
I'm looking for comfort
That I can take
From someone else
But after all
I know there is no one
That can save me, save me from myself
You were the only one"
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Reconnecting With My Little "Brother"
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Too Drunk And Still Drinking...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Embarrassing, But I'm Just Going To Put It Out There...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Moving On...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I Felt Like Writing A Poem Or Two...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Roller Coaster That Is My Life
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Another Saturday Night...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Things To Do Whilst Drunk: Rock Golfing At Night
Rock Golf At Night from Matthew Mestas on Vimeo.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Few Random Thoughts...
Why do people wear sunglasses at night? On the same note, the guys who wear sunglasses indoors...what the fuck is that about? God, that bugs the shit out of me. It doesn't make you look cooler by rockin' the shades inside. Go kill yourself.
People have seriously shitty taste in music. How can shit be marketed and sold as "music" when it contains no artistic merit. What happened to artistic integrity? Pride in workmanship? Singer-songwriters? God, what has the music industry come to? Holy shit! Fuck American Idol and all the fascist-bourgeoisie shit they have pumped down our pie holes, while claiming it is "music." FUCK THAT.
Anger is nothing more than happiness in excess. That's my excuse. What's yours?
Republicans have ruined this country. Don't start cheering, Democrats. You have won by default. The religous-right have gone too far trying to push their ghost stories on the American public. We, as a nation, should be up in arms.
When is our protest? The Youth of America have become completely lazy. Iraq is our Vietnam. We should be taking it to the streets. Why aren't artists like the Nightwatchman and Rage Against The Machine being played on radio and MTV. Youth is bowing to the old bastards supposedly running the country. When is our revolution? Time to put our fists in the air.
The voter turn out, as far as my demographic is concerned, is dismal at best. The reason shit is so bad is because the 18-30 year olds aren't hitting the poles. Unfortunately, I can't complain too much, as I don't hit the poles either.
Smoking makes you look cool. Smoking weed makes you look like a badass. Smoking crack makes you look like a ghetto douche bag. Too bad all of that kills you.
"All's fair in love and war." In love at least you get sexual release. What does war give us? A bunch of innocent kids coming home in body bags and/or missing limbs. Sure sounds fair to me.
Laughter is the best medicine, unless you have cancer.
I love this line from Sean Routh: "The doctor said 'You're not dying from this disease. You're LIVING with this disease... until it kills you.' "
Sex is over-rated. People that say this are either married or spend way too much time masturbating.
Why do people choose to live in tornado country? They call it that for a reason. Would you live there by choice? Is the housing really THAT much cheaper?
America- Land of Dreams. Where qualifying to buy a house is easier than trying to buy a car.
Dance like no one is watching. Masturbate like somebody is.
My Living Will
A Living Will For Matthew N. Mestas, I.
I, Matthew N. Mestas, being of sound mind, do hereby bequeath the following to My Best Friends: You Know Who You Are:
1. My Credit Card Debt
2. My nappy old futon thoroughly marinated in decades-old mysterious bodily fluids
3. My children (legitimate or otherwise)
4. Any residual angst from my corporeal existence
5. Full rights to the movie of my life, tentatively titled The Little Vegetable Who Could
6. All the bong and bowl resin you can scrape
7. My collection of Wizard of Oz commemorative plates
In the likely event that I am rendered incapacitated due to brain weevils or late-night drunken skateboarding stunts, the above signed has the right to make decisions concerning my quality of life, and must:
1. Ensure I am cared for by smokin'-hot nurses
2. Hook me up to a whiskey IV
3. Pour out a little for me, your undersigned homey
4. Molest my genitals mercilessly
5. Spoon-feed me pudding
6. Use my death to create an obnoxious media circus and/or political wedge issue
7. Pull the plug if I'm out for more than 15 minutes
The executor also has the following responsibilities upon my expiration:
1. Avenge all slights against my honor...with a katana sword
2. Build a massive pyramid of pizza boxes and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans for my glory
3. Provide Jell-O shots at my wake
4. Light me on fire atop the hood of a blessed Camero and drive my bitchin' corpse-torch through the streets for one last rockathon
5. Distribute air horns at my funeral, discharging them whenever anyone cries
6. Nail any hot, grieving chicks who would inexplicably be in attendance*
*But totally NOT hot-corkscrew my girlfriend/wife/mistress/mother/sister
The party of the second part will adhere to these explicit wishes, in perpetuity, heretofore, ipso facto, e pluribus unum, or forever shut the fuck up.
(Please note this is from the June 2005 issue of Maxim)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Being Sick Sucks
Add It Up...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A Letter To A Friend
I'm not gonna lie, the last few days have been some of the roughest days I have had to endure in a long time. It was tragically unexpected for me and I feel confused and a little lost. To be honest with you, I don't want it like this. I've tried to hide my hurt by drowning it out in alcohol, but it's not working. I can't get you out of my thoughts; out of my heart. I know it was such a short period of time but, damn, it was great. The laughs. The great times we had. Even the pain. If I could go back and do it again, I would without even thinking twice about it. Even if going back I still had to relive this pain, I would. You mean that much to me. It would be so worth it. I'm trying to stay positive and optimistic, but my tears and the pain are clouding my thoughts. Of course, every song I hear reminds me of you and the good times we had. This is rough.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Change Will Do You Good
The softball team I currently play on, Robian, was playing in a charity tournament. I was playing in the same tournament, however, I was with my old team, the Scallywags, that got back together just for this event. Robian was short one girl, so the woman running the event gave them a free player that had no team. When I went to go watch them play one of their games, I was smitten by this new player. She was gorgeous. She was athletic. She was sexy. I remember thinking to myself "Who is the chick in the Boston hat?!" I talked to Robert (the guy who runs the Robian softball team) and told him that we should get her to play on our team for the regular season. He agreed. Who doesn't want another hot chick on their softball team? He asked her. And asked her. And asked her. She, unfortunately, had agreed to play for another team in the same league. The worst part was that they were the worst team in the league, winning only one game in three seasons. Every time we'd play them, I would tell everyone to make an error on her hits, so she'd be on the bases and I could stare at her. Pathetic, but hey?! What are you gonna do?! She's hot!
After last season, I told Robert to call her again to see if he could convince her to join our team. She agreed and I was the first phone call he made. That was amazing news for me, and I really thought he was just fucking with me. He was not. He put together a day to get together for pizza so we can all give him our paperwork, like IDs and whatnot. She was going to be there... I had to go! This was my opportunity to finally meet her! It all went well. We had a few beers, a couple of laughs, and then we were on our way. Tradition for our team is to go out for pizza and beers after our games, so I knew I would have another opportunity to talk to her. However, almost all the guys on my softball team are single, so I knew I would have to try talking to her before anyone else did!
After our first game we all went out for pizza and beers. I was buzzed. When I am buzzed, the thin filter that I normally have goes away, and shit begins to fly out of my mouth before I can even think about it. She apparently thought I was funny, and we had a great conversation and a good old time just talking bullshit. Then, between her missing a game or two, me missing a game or two, plus holidays where our games are cancelled, I hadn't seen her in weeks. Finally, at a game in September, we were both there. Pizza, beer, hot chick? I'm in!
We ended up laughing the entire time. It was amazing. When she left, we began to text each other. She asked me to meet her at a different bar that same night. I was so excited at the chance to have some one on one time with her. We sat there and joked and laughed. I had such an amazing night! The icing on the cake was that when we walked out, I was telling her good night and we kissed. Bombs going off next to me couldn't move me away from her lips. I'm not trying to sound all gay and mushy, but it was amazing.
A few days later, we decided we were going to hang out again. This was going to be great. I wanted to make it memorable, so I decided that we should take a motorcycle ride. I love riding my motorcycle and she had never been on one, so it was perfect! I think she had fun... I know I did.
We have been hanging out quite a bit lately. I never expected or wanted to get into a "relationship," but sometimes you can't help it. She is someone who makes me feel like no one ever has before. I can't explain it, really. She makes me laugh. She makes me smile all the time, which is rare, because I haven't had that in so long. I just feel so comfortable in my own skin when I am with her. I don't have to be someone else when I'm with her. She likes me (I think!) for who I am and for some reason thinks I am marginally funny. I am excited to see where this leads to...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Adjusting To The "Single Life"
I think one of the hardest things I am dealing with is the fact that she is already seeing someone. After more than 11 years, it took less than 3 weeks for her to find someone. I know who it is, and I can't help but think that something may/did happen between them while we were still together. Maybe it's just my mind fucking with me. All I know is that I really don't like this. I just like the comfort of sharing life with someone special. Laughing at stupid shit. Hanging out. Going to dinner. Shit like that. Anyways, that is the kind of shit that keeps me up at night, hence the post at 1:45 in the morning.
Anyways, that's it. Trying to keep my head above water...
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My New Life
I was laid off from work in June of 2009, and have spent the last 10 months on unemployment. I never thought that, being under 30, it would be so hard to find a job. Given this economic climate that America and the world has found itself, jobs were a valued piece of life, and those who had them weren't giving them up. Turnover for every company has tanked, as people refuse to leave their jobs. Even fast food restaurants (which notoriously have ridiculous turnover rates) have almost bottomed out. The fact of the matter is that I lost my job, and no jobs were opening up. Fuck me. This week, however, I finally got hired at a major home improvement warehouse running their outside garden department. Before my last job that is what I did, so I am excited to start a new job where I require no training, and, in fact, have experience and a wealth of knowledge in.
One of the hardest things to deal after a break up, especially after such a long time, is dealing with mutual friends. Or should I say people I THOUGHT were mutual friends. People's loyalty always shows through during times like this. I have lost a lot of people that I enjoyed hanging out with, and it's obvious now that my friendship was just to stay in close with my ex. Ulterior motives... Sitting there like innocent shoulders to cry on and listen, when they are really trying to get with an emotional vulnerable woman. It's some sick shit, but I am a true believer in karma, and she is one bad bitch.
I have now found myself in a sort of limbo state. I am single, but I am not dating. I know I am not ready emotionally, physically or financially to be in a relationship. I was raised with manners, and although I am an asshole a lot of the time, those manners do show through. I open doors for women, I always say "thank you," and I always tip high and treat my servers with respect. I fear, however, that people see this as me having ulterior motives, and they think I am full of shit. That bums me out, because I know that somewhere in me is just a nice guy who has a hardened exterior because of my last relationship. I am not blaming my ex, though. We both changed, and we became two people who hated being with each other. That's no way to live, especially in a marriage.
I am not bitter, nor am I hateful towards my ex. She and I shared almost half our lives together, and she will always own a huge piece in my heart. She'll never know this, because I would never tell her, but that is the truth. I know, however that the piece of my heart that she owns will never get in the way of any relationship that comes after. That is just something I know about myself. I truly wish her the best. I hope she finds someone that completes her life and makes her happy. I'm not going to lie, it will feel weird to see her at first dating someone else, but I know that she deserves to be happy. She put up with a lot of shit for a long time, and she deserves to be happy. I feel like I do too, but I am not sure when, if ever, that will happen. I am holding out hope that I will meet that person that completes me and makes me happy. Maybe I haven't met her yet. Maybe I have met her already. No way of knowing yet, but no matter what, I do know she is a Dodgers fan.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Porn Is Food...And I'm Hungry.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Trike Project: Breakdown
Alright, so I took apart the trike a few days ago and ran into a bit of a snag. Originally, the plan was to take it apart, sand down the chrome, paint the frame blue and the fenders white. I was going to leave the front end and handlebars chrome. After taking it all apart, I realized that there is a lot more rust than previously anticipated. I think that the best way to do this project will not be the easiest (or the cheapest!). Ouch. The frame, I think, will now be powder coated blue, since they have to sandblast before hand, which will get rid of all the surface rust. Better for the long term, worse for my wallet. Since I will be powder coating the frame, I might as well powder coat the fenders, handlebars and front end white. It'll look way cooler. I think that anything that would be chrome on that bike would just look stock, so I might as well go for the gold (or Dodger Blue and white!). I already received my new hand grips, in blue, so on white handlebars, they'll pop. I have a blue chain that will replace the standard black/metal colored one. I have a horn that I have yet to decide what to do with. I got my new seat in the mail, but they sent me a green velour one, rather than a blue one as ordered. Luckily, I am not on a tight deadline...yet. New whitewall tires are on their way, and I am debating whether or not to powder coat the 68 spoke rims blue. I have round mirrors that are on their way as well. Of course, they have blue reflectors on 'em. My new pedals should be here within a few days, so we're off and running. Hopefully, this project will be completed by the completion date I have set of March 14, 2010. Time will tell...
Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm not going to go on a long diatribe about the genius of James Cameron or the visually stunning effects in the film Avatar, but I will, however, give credit where credit is due. I finally broke down and attended a viewing of Avatar: IMAX 3D at my local movie house. Going into it, I was a skeptic. I figured this was a film that has been caught up in the Hollywood buzz machine and everyone was drinking the Kool-Aid. I was actually surprised that not only did I not hate the film, but that I was completely engulfed in the visual aspects of Pandora and beyond. The story was not the most creative (think Dances With Wolves on a different planet), but visually, it was stunning. I enjoyed the film immensely, even though I really can't stand James Cameron. He has made some shit movies. Titanic was horrible. I only saw it in the theater twice because I was in love with this girl Megan. I went twice to see that shit movie. It's embarrassing to even say that. But Megan was beautiful, and I would have done anything for/with her. Let's look at a few others. Terminator I and II. OK, OK. Those were amazing. Alien. Shit, that was a good one too. Alright. Maybe it's just that stupid boat movie, but still... If you are one of the ten people in the world to have not seen Avatar, I urge you to see it in 3D. It is breathtaking and awe-inspiring. Well done, Cameron. Well done.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Trike Project- Part 1
So over the weekend, I started looking for a lowrider trike. I wanted one to take to Glendale, AZ, when we go out for the Dodgers Spring Training Camp. I thought by picking up a cool, rare bike, I could stand out in the crowd. A few cans of paint here & a polish there, I will have a nice Dodger-themed bike. So I found this one on craigslist. They were asking $200, so I figured I could talk them down. While talking to the man selling it, it turns out he is trying to sell stuff to build a motorcycle. I told him I had a bunch of parts, so I took them down to his house. He picked out a few parts, he gave me the bike, and the deal was done...
I will keep this updated as to all the customizations that will be going on. Pics and details to follow...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Late Night Controversy
Conan is an original talent that has been a successful WRITER of jokes on shows such as "Saturday Night Live" and "The Simpsons"... ever heard of them? Yeah, me too. His show is fresh, funny and new. His jokes are ones that sneak up on you. Ones that may leave you thinking for a few moments and then BOOM- I get it!
NBC's move to drop all primetime dramas to put an hour long "comedy" show put actual GOOD shows off the air. "Southland" may have been one of the best dramas I have ever seen (of course, my dad was an LAPD police officer for 20 years, so I may be a little biased). Luckily, TNT has recognized the fact that it was critically acclaimed and had a rising fan base, so they picked it up. I look forward to it starting back up on January 12 at 10 pm, as I have already updated my Tivo for it's season pass.
Here's my opinion on what to do for NBC: Let Jay go already. I know that getting your dicks sucked and your asses kissed is all nice and everything, but get over it. That's what you have your personal assistants for. Conan has not even been given a fair shake. It takes time to build up solid numbers. You can't make a decision like this after seven months. Maybe Conan is right- Maybe you guys hired Gary Busey as the new head of programming. Here is a link to the official statement made by Conan O'Brien:
Please support Conan. If Jay wins, we all lose. Trust me. I've seen 5 minutes of his show.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Insomnia... My Fortress of Solitude?
It all began the night before last. I think I need a new pillow. This is something that crosses my mind every night, just before I head off to dreamy dream land. However, the next morning, neck and shoulders aching, I go on with my day. I could not get comfortable that night. With the help of my bulldog using my pillow lengthwise as a bed and snoring like a grizzly, and my boxer bucking convention and sleeping across the bed, I was able to have around 2 square feet of real estate to slumber. This, obviously, will not work for me, as I am a very "healthy" sized man. The dilemma I found myself in is the fact that I have let my dogs get away with murder. I have, essentially, created monsters. My Frankensteins. My nightmare. Once the dogs get comfortable, I have a hard time moving them from their chosen sleeping spots. I have to adjust to them. It can be frustrating, but for the last few years, it is how it's been. I've gotten used to it. However, that night, I could not. I tossed and turned on my little 2 square foot island, surrounded by a sea of snoring, and comfortable, puppies. My night was a waste.
After a sub-par sleep, having a busy day is no fun, as you can imagine. My day, however, was just not that. It felt it was, although I did nothing but relax. No work around the house. No running errands. No purse shopping at the mall. I could feel sleep creeping it's way to my brain around 7:30 pm. Sweet. Just what the doctor ordered. Fighting it while on the couch, I continued to watch TV. Around 8:30, I succumbed to the sleep, as I was crashed out on the couch. I woke up around 10 pm. All of us were asleep. I helped take all the dogs to the bed, and they crashed out again. I however, was not so lucky. I had been teased by that little bastard we know as sleep. I spent the next four hours laying in bed, wide-eyed and totally awake. I couldn't take it. My eyes hurt from lack of sleep, but I could not keep them closed. I moved myself into the living room to try my luck at crashing out on the couch. I turned on the TV. I stared into the screen like a mental patient. Nothing. If anything, I was becoming MORE awake. Can this be possible?! Tossing. Turning. I couldn't understand it. Why? I had a glass of whiskey. Didn't work. I beat off. That didn't work, and, actually, had the opposite effect. I always thought that if you masturbated before bed, you would sleep better, and have great dreams. Apparently not. After two MORE hours (now 4 am) I finally fell asleep. Dreams after a long stint of insomnia can really freak you out. I usually never remember my dreams, but these ones freaked me out. I won't go into much detail, but I was thoroughly weirded out. In my dream, I was facing a crude bomb someone had rigged up to my house. The clock began to beep, the time was up. I tried to stop it, but it was just my snooze button. My alarm was going off, and it was 6 am. Hopefully tonight, I can fall asleep.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Testicles?! Really, God?!
They are horrible. They hang in the heat. They shrink in the cold. They stick to your leg. They get in the way. My life seems to revolve around making sure my nuts are comfortable. Not to mention the fact that they have the appearance of little punching bags. I have been hit in the nuts numerous times by chicks, baseballs and once, by my taylor. No one (women especially) seems to give the testicles their respect. I wish women had something that hurts as bad as getting hit in the nuts on them. "It hurts when I get hit in the boob." Bull shit. Does it hurt so bad that your stomach gets in knots and you feel like throwing up lunch minutes later? No. It doesn't.
Don't get me wrong, people getting hit in the nuts is funny. Really funny. But it is also the reason that I wear a cup to play softball. I don't need my nuts to be the butt of a joke or the reason people are laughing while I roll around in excruciating pain. Why can't they be in somewhere IN my body? Is it really necessary that they hang from beneath my dick? It's like having a weather vane between my legs. "What's the weather like where you're at, Jim?" "Hold on. Let me check my nuts. Damn. It's cold here. My balls told me so."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The "Rolling Stone: Decade In Review" Review
1. "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley
I have to say, I may oddly agree with this. Let's be honest, there was a lot of music that came out between 2000 and 2009, but this song stands up. Cee-Lo's vocals and Danger Mouse's beats are infectious. The beat is amazing. The lyrics are great. The execution is right on. It has staying power, which says a lot, given the era this came out. Plus, I have heard two covers of this song. One by Ray LaMontagne and one by Shawn Colvin. Colvin's is good, but LaMontagne's is absolutely amazing. I actually agree with this choice on a lot of levels.
2. "99 Problems" by Jay-Z
This is pushing it as #2, but it definitely belongs in the top 10. Just a great song.
3. "Crazy In Love" by Beyonce featuring Jay-Z
Maybe for the clubs, or just because the video, but this has no place in the top 50, let alone the top 10. Now someone is smoking crack...
4. "Hey Ya" by Outkast
This makes sense. It is a song no one could avoid, and it actually had an effect on me much like a bad commercial. You like it at first. Then you hate it. Then you really hate it. Then you hear it after a while, and you kinda like it. Plus, Obidiah Parker's version of this is nothing short of amazing. He gave it new life, as it sounds nothing like the original!
5. "Paper Planes" by M.I.A.
Pushing it for the top 10, but again, surprisingly, I agree with this. It's a song that when you hear it, you can't help but rock your head to the beat and do a little hand gun action...
6. "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes
The first one I may disagree with, as far as placement goes. This is a SOLID number 2, and I am not talking about poop. If any song should be at number 1 other than "Crazy" this is it. So simple. So rock. So good.
7. "Maps" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Are you fucking kidding me? This song sucks. I mean REALLY sucks. The band sucks. The song sucks. No one listens to them except some seventeen year old cutter between Twilight movies. You got this one wrong, Rolling Stone. WAY wrong.
8. "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse
I love this song. The beat is infectious, the lyrics are ironic and campy, it was a pop sensation, she's an absolute train wreck. It has all the ingredients for an amazing song. I can't believe they put this song this low. In my opinion, top 5 for sure. The album "Back To Black" is fantastic, start to finish. It should be higher on Rolling Stone's list of Top 50 Albums Of The Decade too.
9. "Beautiful Day" by U2
Who's dick is Bono smoking to get his band all this praise? U2 sucks. They are corporate shills on the take. Their music is beyond subpar. I can walk into any Guitar Center in this great land, and hear 10 people that could make better music than those holier-than-thou douchebags. Seriously, can you play me one song that warrants me calling the guitar player The Edge? The Edge of what? Shit music, maybe... Bad call. U2 is the worst band in the history of music. Go fuck yourself Bono. Go fuck yourself "Edge." Go fuck yourselves, um, other guys in the band...
10. "Stan" by Eminem
This is top 5, no question. I think Eminem reinvented, or at least reintroduced rap to the masses. Thank God! I grew up with Dr. Dre, 2Pac, Snoop, N.W.A., Biggie. Then it all went south. Finally someone started rapping about real shit, not all the decadent bullshit from a future Celebrity Rehabber. This song is amazing deserves to be higher on the list.
Maybe on another post I will give you my list of the Top 10 Songs Of The Decade. Who knows.
BTW- Bono, you're an asshole.
Shitting, Porn Stars & Tacos
Porn stars are really doing God's work. I will make the assumption that more than half the American population watches and enjoys porn, but society makes us, or tries to make us, feel ashamed about it. Hey, we're just trying to get our rocks off. Why should we, as a society, chastise the women who are responsible for getting us off. I think they should be held in high regard! These women are on the sexual frontlines, battling sexual repression, and allowing their bodies to be exposed to fat, disgusting men while they do vile things to their sexual organs. I mean, really. Come on people. Let's stand up and thank some of these women. They have kept me entertained for more than half my life. Except the ones that do gross shit... That's just sick.
Taco bell is good. Del Taco is better. When I am high as a kite and craving some serious fake, authentic, reproductions of Mexican food, I go to Del Taco. Let's face the facts:
1. Del Tacos are almost all 24 hours
2. Del Taco serves breakfast all day. I don't order it, but it's nice to know I could.
3. 1/2 lb bean and cheese with red sauce. 'Nuf said.
4. Del Taco is closer to my house. Plus, I pass another one on my way home from my dealers house... Win, Win.
If you disagree with this list, than fuck you. You obviously have not stared into a 1/2 lb bean and cheese with red sauce at 3:30 in the morning, higher than shit.